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The offspring of an individual, animal, plant, or entity capable of reproduction. Commonly used within medical and clinical context to describe successive generations of test subjects, such as laboratory mice.

Example from Effects of perinatal vitamin B6 deficiency on dopaminergic neurochemistry (R):

The progeny of vitamin B6-deficient dams had all the classic symptoms of B6 deficiency

Progeny is used in a generalized account to be inclusive of all successive generational relations, agnostic of a specific number. For example; “two of Mark’s progeny were afflicted with disease” is an incorrect usage as it implies an exact number.

The plural form, progenies, can be used to be inclusive of groups of descendants from multiple parental sources. For example; “a lowered mass of new growth has been noted in the progenies of Eastern Pine compared to previous years.”

Progeny is used in describing all descendent generational groups such that children, grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren would be included.